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34 independent marking colleges and universities fire open! Multiple universities press the "start" pause button

Hits: 3893846 2020-04-16

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As of 17:00 p.m. on the 16th, 30 independent marking colleges and universities have announced the specific retest score line in 2020, with full fire! In addition, Huazhong University of science and technology, Nanjing Agricultural University and other colleges and universities have also sent out the notice of not returning to school, once again improving the probability of "online interview". Then, Xiaoren teacher first updated the retest line information of 34 independent colleges and universities for you today, and then gave you a detailed analysis of the current college opening form.
Retest line of 34 independent colleges and Universities
Southeast University
According to the spirit of the document "Regulations on the administration of national postgraduate enrollment in 2020" issued by the Ministry of education, combined with the actual situation of Southeast University, and after the research and decision of the school's postgraduate enrollment leading group, the basic line of the postgraduate retest of Southeast University in 2020 is as follows.
Other notes: 1. Each college (Department) can make a professional retest line that is not lower than the basic requirements of the school according to the characteristics of the discipline, specialty, the number of students and enrollment plan, and the candidates must reach the professional retest line of the school (Department) to participate in the retest. The details shall be subject to the re examination rules of each institute (Department). 2. If the total score of the candidates for the unified examination (excluding candidates for the Suzhou United Graduate School and candidates for the management joint examination) exceeds the re examination line of the application major by more than 20 points, 2 points can be reduced for a single subject (only one subject). 3. Other relevant care policies shall be implemented in accordance with relevant regulations of the Ministry of education. 4. The time, requirements and forms of the retest will be arranged according to the relevant policies of the Ministry of education and after the unified study, judgment and deployment according to the development of the epidemic situation, and will be released in time through the graduate enrollment network of our university. Please pay close attention and wait for follow-up notice patiently. Do not come to school in advance.
Nanjing University
Other notes:
Relevant supporting materials shall be sent to the research and recruitment office of Nanjing University before April 27 (the deadline shall be subject to the postmark) for preferential care conditions (if multiple conditions are met, no repetition and no accumulation).
(1) Candidates who have completed the service period and passed the examination in the "western plan of College Students' voluntary service", "three support and one support plan", "special post plan for school teachers in rural compulsory education stage" and "volunteer for teachers of Chinese as a foreign language" projects, who have participated in the national postgraduate entrance examination within three years, will be given 10 points in the total score of the preliminary examination, and will be admitted preferentially under the same conditions. (2) After the college students are enrolled in the army and retired from active service and meet the requirements for application, candidates who take part in the national postgraduate entrance examination within 3 years will be given 10 points in the total score of the preliminary examination, and will be admitted preferentially under the same conditions. Those who are included in the special plan of "retired college students' soldiers" will no longer enjoy the policy of bonus points in the initial trial of retired college students' soldiers. (3) Candidates who have completed the service period of "selecting and hiring college graduates to work in the village" project and have been evaluated to be competent or above, and who have participated in the national postgraduate recruitment examination within 3 years, will be given 10 points in the total score of the preliminary examination, and will be admitted preferentially under the same conditions, among which 15 points will be given to those who have applied for the postgraduate of Humanities and social sciences.
(4) The score line for candidates who are included in the high level backbone talent plan of ethnic minorities.
(5) In principle, the total score of candidates who enjoy the ethnic minority care policy, work units and household registration in the ethnic autonomous areas announced by the State Council, and whose targeted employment units are the original units, shall be reduced by no more than 10 points. We will inform you about the arrangement of the admission work for the second round examination. Please pay attention to the notice on the website of graduate school and each school (Department, Institute).
Hunan University
According to the decision of Hunan University Enrollment leading group, the basic requirements and related matters for candidates of master's enrollment examination in 2020 to enter the retest are as follows.
Other notes:
1. The above are the basic requirements for candidates to enter the second round of examination. Each college can adjust the score line of the second round of examination upward according to the enrollment plan, student source, discipline and specialty characteristics, etc.
2. reexamination time, requirements and forms will be arranged after the unified development of the epidemic situation. After the examination, candidates will be closely followed by the website of Hunan University graduate school and WeChat official account (hnu_gra_edu_cn). 3. Candidates who meet the mark up policy stipulated by the Ministry of education shall submit a written application to the Admissions Office of Hunan University Graduate School and provide relevant supporting materials before April 30.
4. Candidates who work in the ethnic autonomous areas announced by the State Council and who are employed in the original units for the purpose of orientation may reduce 5 points in total or 5 points in a single subject on the basis of the corresponding subject score line. Candidates who meet the requirements shall submit a written application to the admission office of Graduate School of Hunan University before April 30.
Central South University
Other notes:
1. Candidates who have applied for the key plan of ethnic minorities, the plan of soldiers, the independent examination and passed the comprehensive examination can take part in the retest if they meet the requirements of the basic score line of the school.
2. Enjoy the application conditions of the candidates with bonus points:
① Candidates who have completed the service and passed the examination in the projects of "western plan of College Students' voluntary service", "three support and one support plan", "special post plan for school teachers in rural compulsory education stage" and "volunteer for teachers of Chinese as a foreign language" will be given a total score of 10 points in the preliminary examination if they participate in the national postgraduate entrance examination within three years.
② After the college students are enlisted and retired from active service and meet the requirements for application, the candidates who participate in the national postgraduate entrance examination within 3 years will receive 10 points in the total score of the preliminary examination. Those who are included in the special plan of "retired college students' soldiers" will no longer enjoy the policy of bonus points in the initial trial of retired college students' soldiers.
③ Candidates who have completed the service period of "selecting and hiring college graduates to work in the village" project and have been assessed to be competent or above, and who have participated in the national postgraduate recruitment examination within 3 years, will be given 10 points in the total score of the preliminary examination, of which 15 points will be added in the total score of the preliminary examination for those who have applied for the postgraduate of Humanities and social sciences.
④ Candidates who meet more than two additional points at the same time will be given the highest additional points. Candidates who meet the above requirements for bonus points shall submit a written application to our school's research and recruitment office before April 20, and provide relevant supporting materials, and send an email to liuhao@csu.edu.cn.
Nankai University
Other notes:
1. The above basic requirements for the retest are the lowest line for the students in the unified test and joint test of our school. For details, please refer to the research and recruitment website of Nankai University. 2. In addition to the basic score requirements of the second round examination, the list of the second round examination of the high-level backbone plan of ethnic minorities shall be determined from high to low according to the provincial quota of the high-level backbone plan of ethnic minorities issued by the Ministry of education and the proportion of Han candidates. In addition to the basic score requirements of the retest, the admission list of the western plan is determined in combination with the quota of the western plan issued by the Ministry of education.
3. For the following categories of candidates who meet the mark up or care policy of the Ministry of education, please apply to the Graduate School of our university and provide relevant supporting materials (the application time and method are to be determined, please pay attention to the latest notice of the graduate enrollment network of Nankai University at any time), otherwise, they will be deemed to automatically give up the qualification of mark up or care policy. According to the latest documents and lists issued by the Ministry of education, our school will examine the qualifications of candidates and take proper care of those who meet the basic training conditions within the scope of national policies.
4. The specific time and arrangement of the second round examination will be notified separately. Please pay attention to the latest information published on the graduate recruitment network of Nankai University and the websites of each college at any time. Website of Nankai University Graduate Enrollment website: http://yzb.nankai.edu.cn/.
Tianjin University
Supplementary notes:
According to the current novel coronavirus infection pneumonia epidemic situation and the higher authorities' work arrangements, Tianjin University will ensure the candidates' health and enrollment work fair, just and open, and orderly start the master's Examination re enrollment. The basic requirements of the reexamination score of Tianjin University are announced. The follow-up reexamination time (the principle of the start of the second examination is not earlier than April 30th), the form and the requirements are not yet determined. Please timely notice the information network of Tianjin University graduate student recruitment and the official account of Tianjin University's graduate enrollment WeChat.
Candidates who take part in the retest shall meet the basic requirements of the retest scores of Tianjin University, and those who have not passed the line shall not have the qualification for the retest (including the adjustment retest); those who have passed the line shall also meet the discipline (Professional) line requirements of the College (Department) they have applied for before they can obtain the qualification for the retest. Our school implements the difference retest, the difference proportion is generally not less than 120% (for disciplines and specialties with less than 120% qualified students, the retest shall be organized according to the actual list of qualified candidates), organized by the College (Department), and the list of retest, admission rules (or work plan) are not determined temporarily.
Candidates who are in line with the "western plan of College Students' voluntary service", "three support and one support plan", "special post plan for school teachers in rural compulsory education stage", "volunteer for Chinese teachers abroad", "select and hire college graduates to work in villages" and other project bonus policies approved or filed by the Ministry of education, as well as the current work units in ethnic autonomous areas, are the original units of targeted training The candidates (excluding single examinees, MBA examinees, MPA examinees, MPAcc examinees and MEM examinees) who are supported by ethnic minority in-service personnel shall take proper care of those who meet the basic training conditions within the scope permitted by national policies. Candidates who meet the above conditions shall submit certification materials (i.e. ID card photo, relevant materials / certificate scanning copy) to the admission office of the College (Department). For contact information of each college (Department), please refer to http://yzb.tju.edu.cn/xwzx/zxxx/202002/t220200219_.htm.
Beijing University of Technology
Supplementary notes: 1. Care subjects: mechanics [0801], aerospace science and technology [0825], weapons science and technology [0826]. 2. Candidates enjoying ethnic minority policies: candidates whose working units and household registration are in ethnic autonomous areas announced by the State Council, and whose targeted units are the original units. 3. Candidates who meet the project conditions of "western plan of College Students' voluntary service", "three support and one support plan", "special post plan for school teachers in rural compulsory education stage", "Volunteer Chinese teachers to foreign countries", "college students should be recruited to serve in the compulsory military service and retired", "select and employ college graduates to work in the village" shall be subject to the bonus point policy of the Ministry of education. Candidates who meet the above care and bonus policies shall apply to the research and recruitment office and the College of application of our university after the announcement of the specific arrangements for the retest, and provide supporting materials as required. Reexamination arrangement: Beijing Institute of Technology will make a master's re examination admission plan according to the requirements of higher authorities and epidemic prevention and control work, and release it in time through the official WeChat official account, the graduate school website and the college entrance examination website. Please pay close attention and wait for the notice patiently.
Beijing University of Aeronautics and Astronautics
According to the statistical results of the preliminary examination results of the master's degree candidates of Beijing University of Aeronautics and Astronautics in 2020 and the planned enrollment plan of various disciplines, and after the discussion and decision of the school's graduate enrollment leading group, the basic line of qualification for the second examination of the master's degree candidates of Beijing University of Aeronautics and Astronautics in 2020 is as follows.
Beijing Normal University
The basic score line of the retest is only the minimum score requirement of the retest. The department accepting the application may raise the score requirement according to the overall examination situation, enrollment plan, discipline and specialty characteristics, etc. Candidates must reach both the basic score line of the re examination and the re examination score line set by the Department of enrollment before they can participate in the re examination. The score line and measures for the second round examination set by the Department shall be further notified.
Supplementary notes:
Beijing Normal University

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