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newest! The release of World University influence ranking! Tongji and Nanjing Agricultural University are out of the circle!

Hits: 3895225 2020-04-23

At 7:00 p.m. Beijing time on April 22, Thames Higher Education released the Second World University influence ranking of Thames higher education.
This ranking no longer uses traditional reputation and research reputation as indicators, but uses totally different ranking indicators!
Tongji University and Nanjing Agricultural University are outstanding universities in mainland China!
From the single index ranking, we can find many treasure universities!
Come and have a look!
The highlights of this ranking are as follows:
? University influence ranking shows for the first time the actions taken by universities around the world to achieve the 17 sustainable development goals (sdgs) of the United Nations.
? Tongji University is the first university in mainland China to rank among the top 100 universities in the world, and Ta has won 13 in the rankings for the first time!
Tongji University also ranks first in the world in the United Nations sustainable development goal 7 (clean energy for economic application) and second in the world in the United Nations Sustainable Development Goal 6 (clean water and sanitation).
? mainland China is also the only Asian country / region in the top 20 in the world.
? Nanjing Agricultural University ranks first in the world in the United Nations sustainable development goal 2 (zero hunger).
17 sdgs of the United Nations
The second "Thames World University of higher education impact ranking" uses 17 sustainable development goals (sdgs) of the United Nations to help people understand these usually unknown actions.
These rankings show the positive social and economic impact and extent of Universities on the planet, including climate action, gender equality, good health and well-being.
This is the first time that this measure has been used in university rankings, rather than traditional indicators such as reputation and research reputation.
(1) No poverty
(2) Zero hunger
(3) Good health and well-being
(4) Quality education
(5) Gender equality
(6) Clean water and sanitation
(7) Affordable clean energy
(8) Decent work and economic growth
(9) Industry, innovation and infrastructure
(10) Reducing inequality
(11) Sustainable cities and communities
(12) Responsible consumption and production
(13) Climate action
(14) Underwater organism
(15) Terrestrial life
(16) Peace, justice and strong institutions
(17) Partnership to achieve goals
The ranking evaluates Universities Based on the indicators of the 17 sustainable development goals of the United Nations. Data were collected from universities and Elsevier, and indicators were developed in collaboration with vertigo ventures.
Which universities can participate in the overall ranking?
To be included in the overall ranking, universities must submit SDG 17 (partnership for achieving the goals) and at least three other sdgs. The score is calculated as follows:
Sustainable development goal 17 - 22%
Highest single goal score - 26%
Second in single goal score - 26%
Third in single goal score - 26%
Looking at 17 indicators separately, we can find a lot of low-key treasure universities that do things silently and don't publicize. If students are more concerned about the University's influence in these aspects, we might as well see if there is a university you like~
Pull to the end of this article to see the comprehensive ranking of the world's universities.
The world university influence ranking
The above pictures and ranking information are from the times higher education
More information can be found on the official website: https://www.timeshieghereducation.com/ranking/impact/2020/overallා! / page / 0 / length / 25 / sort_by / RANK / sort_order / ASC / cols / undefined

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