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Paint loss factor

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1. Why do construction workers first talk about construction workers? Because the quality and mood of construction workers are the key. Due to the different levels of personal operation, such as the difference in the level of spraying technology, it will cause great differences. What is more important is the mood of construction workers. I am very happy, I will paint the ultra-super ultra-super ultra-ultra-super thick, or simply take the bucket of paint and pour it, the loss is not big...

2. Component structure For the spraying of different components, the complexity and size of the structure will directly affect the loss of paint. In general, the coating construction on a relatively complex structure has a large paint loss compared to a structurally simple component. When the structural size is small, the loss is also high relative to the construction of the structure of the large structure.

3, construction methods Paint coating methods are generally brush, roller, air spray and high pressure airless spray. Although the method of spraying is relatively fast, the wear of the coating will be far away from brushing and rolling. Secondly, when using the spraying method, the different selection of the nozzle will also affect the degree of wear of the coating. A nozzle with a larger spray width can achieve higher spray efficiency, but it will cause more waste of paint usage.

4. Construction environment factors The surrounding environment will affect the coating loss to varying degrees during construction. For example, if the outdoor environment is sprayed, the loss is completely in sight. It can be said that the north wind blows, the paint flies, and the paint loss will be high.

5, construction technology and management, such as for the total thickness of the required, intermediate paint (cheap) can be properly sprayed thick, topcoat primer (expensive) appropriate thin point; whether the height of the component placement is reasonable impression construction;

6. Tool equipment adhesion loss includes residue of packaging drum, adhesion on painting equipment (such as loss of pump and pipeline, residue of roller and brush, etc.), loss of airless spray pump and improper batching.

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