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Without silicone rubber, there is no Night King!

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Without silicone rubber, there is no Night King!
The epic drama of HBO, the game of power, must be impressed by the Night King and the evil spirits he leads.
From the first season to the eighth season, these ghastly creatures like zombies threaten human beings all the time and make the audience exclaim that these characters are so well created! So that when the Night King "unexpected accident" happened, everybody huh-huh...
You may not think that the reason why the Night King and the Heterogeneous are so lifelike is that in addition to the late effects, another thing plays an important role in it, that is, silicone rubber.
In order to better depict and sculpt the characters, the performers must wear elaborate artificial limbs to become these terrible creatures.
In a recent interview with Time magazine, prosthetic designer Barry Gore explained that his team must maintain a good balance between realism and practicality. Actors wear artificial limbs for a long time, so they must be lightweight and breathable, while still looking like real. Silicone rubber just meets the requirements of lightweight and good air permeability, so it is also widely used in the play.
Barry Gore's team first built a live actor model, the actor's head model, to sculpt makeup. The application is then created using silicone rubber according to the specifications of the die, with an average build time of about four weeks.

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