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Mold silicone rubber molding process

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(1) Select the bottom opening as the positioning part, turn and pour gypsum into the cavity, with a height about 30mm higher than the bottom, and dig out a pit for future positioning.

(3) Gypsum modeling. To support and fix the RTV mold and prevent its elastic deformation, a gypsum template is first made outside the mud layer. Make gypsum statues piece by piece according to their approximate parting surface, paying attention to the positioning between the gypsum molds. The gypsum slurry is gypsum: water=1:1.

(5) At the same time, weigh the RTV components in proportion and mix thoroughly before stirring. Due to the reaction between RTV and ethyl orthosilicate under the action of promoter organotin during the stirring process, low molecular weight alcohols are produced. During the pouring of silicone rubber, pores are formed on the molded body, so vacuum defoaming is required. Generally, it is carried out in a sealed container with a vacuum degree of 100mmHg for about 5 minutes.

(7) Remove the plaster mold and cut it with a razor according to the desired parting line;

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