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MBA online lecture of Nanjing Agricultural University - 2021 China business school enrollment Tour

Hits: 3894119 2020-04-17

MBA online lecture of Nanjing Agricultural University - 2021 China business school enrollment Tour
(MBA), mainly relying on the school of economics and management. Nanjing Agricultural University School of economics and management is one of the birthplaces of China's agricultural economic management education, which originated from the Department of agricultural economics of Jinling University and the Department of agricultural economics of National Central University. The school of economics and management has the right to confer doctorates in management and economics. \X0a \ x0a in terms of training, we adhere to the "four directions and four combinations", that is, responsibility orientation, ability orientation, quality orientation and innovation orientation, which are combined with industry development, enterprise practice, China's national conditions and world trend, and strive to cultivate professional, practical and international business talents required by the market. "; t? E (T,! 0): e (" MBA of Nanjing Agricultural University), mainly relying on School of economics and management. Nanjing Agricultural University School of economics and management is one of the birthplaces of China's agricultural economic management education, which originated from the Department of agricultural economics of Jinling University and the Department of agricultural economics of National Central University. The school of economics and management has the right to confer doctorates in management and economics. \X0a \ x0a in terms of training, we adhere to the "four directions and four combinations", namely, responsibility orientation, ability orientation, quality orientation and innovation orientation, which are combined with industry development, enterprise practice, China's national conditions, and world trend, and strive to cultivate professional, practical and international business talents required by the market. "); } }(function(e,t){ function a(e,t){ var a=e.match(new RegExp(t+"\\s*=\\s*[\"']?([^\"'\\s>]+)[\"']?")); return a&&a[1]; } function n(e){ e=e.split(/(]*>)(.*?)()/); for(var t,n=0;ni.offsetHeight+1){ var e=document.getElementById("js_folder_text_switch"),t=parseFloat(getComputedStyle(o).fontSize,10); e.style.display="block", e.setAttribute("data-height",o.offsetHeight/(t||16)); } },300)); });

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