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A series of reports on "strengthening the foundation, keeping the integrity and innovation" (5) Jihua 3517 company participated in the formulation of group standards

Hits: 3894063 2020-04-17

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Since the implementation of the new standardization law, the state has encouraged the vigorous development of group standards, and Jihua 3517 company has followed the pace of standard reform and actively promoted it. Engineering and technical personnel of the company communicated and discussed with metallurgical industry information standard research institute and relevant enterprises, and participated in the preparation of super durable sealing rubber ring for ductile iron pipes and pipe fittings. The standard was approved by China Iron and Steel Industry Association, issued in November 2019, and implemented in February 2020.
The smooth implementation of the standard has standardized the specific performance requirements of super durable sealing ring, created the threshold of one hundred year rubber ring production, improved the company's image in the field of rubber sealing products, played a demonstration role for the company's scientific and technological innovation, and laid a foundation for the company to achieve high-quality development.
Consolidate the foundation
Conservative innovation
Written by: Jihua 3517 Liu Hui
Photo Author: Jihua 3517 Liu Hui
Editor: Wang Yijie
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