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Silicone is so good, but use it carefully

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The pesticides of the same composition have different effects from different manufacturers. Among them, the auxiliary agent has a large factor. Silicone is a commonly used auxiliary agent on pesticides. Adding silicone to pesticides such as pesticides, fungicides, and herbicides can Improve efficacy. However, pay attention to some pesticides when using silicones. The use of silicones may cause phytotoxicity on some crops, which may result in losses. 1. The advantages of silicone
Some work as common additives have the following advantages, have good ductility and permeability. The ductility can make the medicinal solution spread quickly on the leaf surface or insect surface, increase the contact area of the medicinal solution with crops, weeds, and insects, thereby improving the effects of disease treatment, insecticide and herbicide. Permeability can also promote the penetration of systemic agents through the stomata and quickly act on the plant body, thereby improving the erosion resistance of rainwater, reducing the amount of pesticide use and water per unit area, reducing pesticide waste, and reducing the impact of pesticides on the environment And residues on agricultural products, saving time, labor and medicine.
2. The disadvantages of organic silicon
Organic silicon can improve the efficacy, but has a strong damaging effect on the waxy layer of plant leaves, which will cause the cuticle of the leaf epidermal cells to decompose, thereby reducing the resistance of the plant to the external environment and easily causing damage to plant cells. . In addition, in high temperature environments or when the wax layer of the crop itself is relatively thin, adding silicone can easily cause phytotoxicity, so not every crop is suitable for silicone as an auxiliary. In addition, silicones should be avoided in high temperature environments.
3. Matters needing attention when using silicone
In addition to avoiding high temperature, the use of silicone should be used strictly in accordance with the instructions. Do not increase the concentration arbitrarily to avoid causing harm. When using silicone, generally put half a bucket of water into the container, then pour in the silicone, mix well, then pour the required medicine, and then inject water to mix well.
Although organic silicon can improve the efficacy of pesticides, improper use can easily cause phytotoxicity, so use it with caution and pay attention to the crops and the application environment.

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