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Modified polyether silicone oil - "all-rounder" from industry and agriculture to daily chemicals

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Modified polyether silicone oil has been widely used in pulp and paper, agricultural chemicals, leather chemicals and other fields, especially in fabric finishing and cosmetics due to its unique advantages such as excellent wetting performance, low surface tension and physiological inertness. application.

1. Application in the textile industry

Fabrics (especially cotton fabrics) treated with amino-modified polyether silicone oil can still maintain good hydrophilicity and can obtain high wrinkle resistance and ultra-smooth feel. Adding it to the fixing agent can make reactive dyes and direct dyes not fade when the fabric is rubbed wet and dry. Treating fabrics or fibers with ester group-containing amino-modified polyether silicone oil can make fiber fabrics both super soft and hydrophilic. Polyether silicone oil containing aromatic amino group has higher heat resistance than ordinary polyether silicone oil, and is suitable for high temperature resistant fiber oil or resin additive. Heat resistance of silicone oil. Silicone copolymers containing epoxy groups, amino groups and polyethers are easily soluble in water, and can form lakes with water-soluble dyes, which can enrich and form films on the surface of fibers; have a slippery effect and can reduce the surface friction coefficient of fibers It can significantly improve the dry and wet rubbing color fastness of the fabric; it can also make the dyed products after color fixation generally have no color change problem, and still maintain the breathability of the fabric and the wearing performance of soft hand feeling. The fabric finished with amino and epoxy co-modified polyether silicone oil has extremely low surface tension, and the contact angle with water is greater than 150 ℃, showing superior hand feeling, and has good softness, fluffy, slippery It is refreshing and can be repaired without returning to yellow. Carboxyl-modified polyether silicone oil containing ester group has a good dispersing effect on disperse blue dye, and can prevent the dye from re-aggregating during high temperature dyeing; while phosphate ester salt-modified polyether silicone oil has good lubricity and antistatic properties to fibers sex.

2. Application in daily chemical industry

When amino-modified polyether silicone oil is used in shampoo, it can not reduce foam and viscosity, and has a certain adsorption effect on hair, which can make hair fluffy, soft, smooth, antistatic and easy to comb. Amino-modified polyether silicone oil can be used in personal care products to make skin care products that are colorless, odorless, non-irritating to the human body, and do not affect normal skin respiration and sweating. It spreads on the skin and hair, giving hair luster, antistatic properties, and good inhibition of bacteria. Adding amino-modified polyether silicone oil to the formulation of hair conditioner and hair styling agent not only has the effect of maintaining shape, but also is easy to form a film, which can make the hair shiny and smooth; when used in the formulation of hair detergent, it can make the hair shiny Soft and shiny. Compared with the shampoo without silicone oil, the wet combing effect of the shampoo with 2% quaternized polyether silicone oil can be increased by 28%, and the dry combing effect can be increased by 21.2%.

3. Application in papermaking and leather industry

If amino-modified polyether silicone oil is added to straw pulp, the softness of the paper sheet can be increased by 48mN compared with that of the blank sample, and the softness effect is obvious. Amino-modified polyether silicone oil is used for paper treatment, with good softening effect and excellent wetting effect on paper fibers.
The leather slip agent containing polyether silicone oil, amino silicone oil and hydroxyl silicone oil can meet the requirements of brightness, durability, smoothness, oiliness and water resistance at the same time. After wiping the leather shoe brightener containing methyl silicone oil, polyether silicone oil and amino silicone oil on the surface of leather shoes, the brightness is very good; and after wiping the shoe polish once, the brightness can be maintained for a long time. Polyether modified silicone oil is used for degreasing and degreasing of leather. Hair removal treatment can improve the quality of finished leather and reduce pollution.

Fourth, the application in agriculture

Amino-modified polyether silicone oil, due to its low surface tension, can greatly reduce the surface tension of pesticides, promote the rapid wetting of the pesticide emulsion, and penetrate into every small part of the leaves, stems and stalks of plants, so that the effect of pesticides can be maximized; And the action time is greatly prolonged. The pesticide residue cleaning agent for vegetables and fruits containing polyether silicone oil and sucrose monolaurate has a surface pesticide residue removal rate of more than 70%, bacteria and parasite eggs removal rate of more than 90%, and is non-toxic and non-irritating to the human body. High degradation rate.

5. Applications in other fields

The coating containing fluorocarbon modified polyether silicone oil is coated on the inner surface of the phosphatized steel radiator. The coating film can resist the corrosion of alkaline water (pH value above 12) at a high temperature of 140~C, and its adhesion and resistance The performance of high temperature dynamic loop water impact corrosion is excellent, which can ensure the service life of the steel radiator, and is non-toxic and odorless.
The silicone lubricant composed of amino polyether silicone oil or/and polyether silicone oil can effectively promote the lubricity and moisture absorption of the surface of medical devices, and reduce the irritation to the human body.
Polishes formulated with polyether silicone oils, amino silicone oils and non-ionic surfactants are used in the polishing of vehicles such as automobiles to give the vehicle a radiant shine and long-lasting stain and water repellency.

6. Conclusion

As a non-toxic and pollution-free "green" product, re-modified polyether silicone oil is more and more widely used in various industries. With the deepening of research work, its application will be wider.

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